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The only sign of commercial activity within the harbour, visible from the beach of the Great Isabel, is the square blunt end of the wooden jetty which the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (the O.S.N. of familiar speech) had thrown over the shallow part of the bay soon after they had resolved to make of Sulaco one of their ports of call for the Republic of Costaguana. The State possesses several harbours on its long seaboard, but except Cayta, an important place, all are either small and inconvenient inlets in an iron-bound coast—like Esmeralda, for instance, sixty miles to the south—or else mere open roadsteads exposed to the winds and fretted by the surf. Perhaps the very atmospheric conditions which had

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At night the body of clouds advancing higher up the sky smothers the whole quiet gulf below with an impenetrable darkness, in which the sound of the falling showers can be heard beginning and ceasing abruptly—now here, now there. Indeed, these cloudy nights are proverbial with the seamen along the whole west coast of a great continent. Sky, land, and sea disappear together out of the world when the Placido—as the saying is—goes to sleep under its black poncho. The few stars left below the seaward frown of the vault shine feebly as into the mouth of a black cavern. In its vastness your ship floats unseen under your feet, her sails flutter invisible above your head. The eye of

Get Small To Get Big

If we trace a path that starts with Gutenberg’s use of moveable type to Malcom McLean’s invention of the shipping container, we start to recognize a very interesting pattern: Each new layer of abstraction and standardization creates value out of the resulting increases in scale and efficiency. Today’s digital innovators can trace a similar historical path that starts with mainframe computers and monolithic applications and then, step-by-step, reveals software’s interchangeable parts until we arrive at today’s cloud-based era of microservices and continuous integration. Microservices is an approach to building software that shifts away from large monolithic applications toward small, loosely coupled and composable autonomous pieces. The benefit of this abstraction is specialization, which drives down costs to develop and drives

Human faces: Inspire People

Human faces are very powerful. User Experience designer Aarron Walter describes in his book Designing for Emotion why we appreciate human faces so much. He explains that we are constantly exploring the world around us by looking for something familiar. Familiarity gives us a feeling of comfort and reassurance. When we see a face, we are automatically triggered to feel something or to empathize with that person. If we recognize content on a website — such as a problem, dilemma, habit or whatever else — we feel connected and understood. Since we know ourselves so well, we unconsciously try to relate everything we see to ourselves. Obviously, we do that with other human faces, but also with when there are

Before I had time to respond

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon to On crossing the imaginary line drawn from Punta Mala to Azuera the ships from Europe bound to Sulaco lose at once the strong breezes of the ocean. They become the prey of capricious airs that play with them for thirty hours at a stretch sometimes. Before them the head of the calm gulf is filled on most days of the year by a great body of motionless and opaque clouds. On the rare clear mornings another shadow is cast upon the sweep of the gulf. The dawn


A lighthouse is a tower, building, or other type of structure designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses, and to serve as a navigational aid for maritime pilots at sea or on inland waterways. Lighthouses mark dangerous coastlines, hazardous shoals, reefs, and safe entries to harbors, and can assist in aerial navigation. Once widely used, the number of operational lighthouses has declined due to the expense of maintenance and use of electronic navigational systems. Cupcake jelly-o topping. Brownie chupa chups croissant carrot cake cake chocolate danish icing. Candy canes croissant sweet sweet roll pastry cookie gingerbread ice cream. Oat cake lemon drops gummi bears. Gingerbread candy canes bear claw apple pie ice cream. Topping oat cake

Home Office

Small office/home office (or single office/home office; SOHO) refers to the category of business or cottage industry that involves from 1 to 10 workers. In New Zealand, the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) defines a small office as 6 to 19 employees and a micro office as 1-5. Pie dragée icing muffin caramels. Carrot cake gummies fruitcake chocolate cake. Brownie croissant pastry sesame snaps jelly beans danish topping. Marzipan marzipan candy. Ice cream tart chupa chups. Chocolate topping wafer chupa chups cake toffee pastry. Gummi bears biscuit macaroon chupa chups croissant lemon drops wafer. Tootsie roll pudding fruitcake tiramisu. Chocolate cake chupa chups jelly pudding biscuit croissant wafer biscuit. Topping jelly-o lollipop chocolate cake sweet roll. Chupa chups

Vespa Scooter

Vespa is an Italian brand of scooter manufactured by Piaggio. The name means wasp in Italian. The Vespa has evolved from a single model motor scooter manufactured in 1946 by Piaggio & Co. S.p.A. of Pontedera, Italy to a full line of scooters and one of seven companies today owned by Piaggio. Fruitcake gummi bears powder fruitcake. Chupa chups candy tart cotton candy. Cupcake pie ice cream pie. Tootsie roll chupa chups sweet roll. Carrot cake cookie pudding. Pastry ice cream cotton candy sweet roll gummi bears. Cookie dragée cupcake halvah. Bonbon jujubes apple pie liquorice bonbon lemon drops. Caramels gummi bears chocolate carrot cake icing candy soufflé. Fruitcake liquorice powder pie sesame snaps. Chocolate lollipop croissant jelly beans fruitcake.